Viewing articles tagged 'Domain Transfer'
Domain Pricing for Registration, Renewal, and Transfer of domains
Are you looking for domain price list? Please refer to the following section of the "Domain...
Domains Not Covered by ID ProtectionThis list is continuously changing with the release of new domain extensions. We cannot guarantee...
FAQ - Domain Transfers (OVERVIEW)Some common questions we get regarding domain transfers are outlined below. As we receive...
How to Change the Registrant of a Domain NameIf you wish to change the domain Registrant (ownership), please log in the Client Area and then...
Will I receive an email reminder before my domain is due to expire?Yes, we send email reminders before your domain is due to expire. We provide ample warning which...
What is DNS propagation?DNS propagation is the process by which the computers on the Internet update their records to...
How to transfer my domain to Magic HostingIf you are our existing customer, please first log into Client Area then follow the steps below....
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